Holistic, Customized Worksite Wellness
Most worksite wellness programs focus on the big three: nutrition, physical activity, and smoking cessation.
Yet, sleep quality, hydration, and the unique needs of shift workers are real concerns too.
Since your company is unique, your health education program should be unique too.
Former Senior Manager of U.S. Operations for an international Ayurvedic skincare giant, Jennifer Maklan, AP, understands the pressures and objectives of corporations for a cohesive, successful operation. Your relationship with your employees must be handled gingerly on top of the day’s workload.
Jennifer’s management experience coupled with her training in holistic health allows her to make practical preventive health knowledge accessible so that employers and employees can function optimally.
Jennifer Maklan, AP, Wellness Speaker
With advanced training in Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine, Jennifer Maklan makes ancient preventive health practices applicable today. She helps busy, overworked professionals improve their digestion, sleep, energy and stress levels, so they can live strong, travel easily, socialize comfortably and build meaningful relationships.
Jennifer’s knowledge of Ayurveda provides a significant measure of support to a health management plan. She’s thoughtful, encouraging, and her advice has real potential for impacting health outcomes.
Options for health education presentations are numerous and can be customized based on the unique needs of your employees. Here is a sample of talks which may help address employee health concerns, generate company appreciation, boost morale, improve productivity and employee health.
Sleep Hygiene for Productive Employees
Sleep is just as important to good health as diet. Yet one in four Americans experience acute insomnia each year. Sleep deficits can take a toll on performance, working memory, cognitive speed, accuracy as well as emotional wellbeing. Learn sleep hygiene skills (good sleep habits) to encourage quality sleep, restfulness and alertness during the day.
Holistic Methods to Stay Hydrated & Beat Heat Fatigue
When exposure to heat causes sweating, lost fluids must be replenished else long-standing fatigue could set in. Learn about healthy fluid choices that replenish nutrients and cool the body, plus topical at-home therapy solutions to replenish the body and rebuild lost strength from the outside-in.
How to Ease Work-From-Home Stress, Anxiety & Depression Naturally
Learn to navigate work-from-home stress, anxiety and depression naturally. Realize the importance of a healthy daily routine. Learn easy stress reducing activities. Discover the foods that truly ease your symptoms, and those that exacerbate it.
Health Guidelines for Shift Workers to Maximize Productivity
Shift-workers have unique needs both inside and outside of work hours. Learn natural ways to promote healthy circadian rhythms and get proper rest each day, so you cam meet the needs of your boss and your family. Realize the importance of diet for good health and learn the foods, drinks and daily routine that will help maintain alertness.
Schedule a Free Worksite Presentation Today
Expand your options for worksite wellness.
Mind / Manas
What is Āyurveda?
Āyurveda is India's traditional system of health and healing. It is a holistic approach that uses temporary adjustments to your food choices, lifestyle recommendations, therapeutic massage, and body treatments, to restore health. Āyurveda offers a wealth of sound knowledge to maintain health throughout every season and every stage of life.
I've tried changing my diet and lifestyle and it didn't work. How is Āyurveda different?
Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. It utilizes the qualities of foods, drinks, and activities to establish balance. Āyurvedic herbo-mineral formulations are selected for you based on your state of health. Formulations along with appropriate changes to your food choices and lifestyle ensure that you get back to your natural state of balance.
How is Āyurveda practiced online? Isn't pulse assessment needed?
Āyurveda is quite conducive to online practice. In classical Āyurvedic assessment, questioning and visual clues provide a wealth of information. Pulse assessment is actually a somewhat modern addition to classical assessment methods. It is not a necessary component for a quality assessment.
How is Āyurveda different than other holistic healing methods?
Āyurveda is time-tested. It's speculated to be thousands of years old and probably the oldest health system known to man. The classical practice of Āyurveda holds to the time-tested methods that existed thousands of years ago.
Unlike other modern approaches to holistic medicine, Āyurveda utilizes a detailed framework for the measurement, assessment and management of health. It is an extensive practice that is studied rigorously and is effective when applied with precision.
Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. Your day, diet, health history and so much more are taken into consideration to create your Care Plan.