From Moon to Womb
Women's Menstrual Health with Ayurveda
If you struggle with PMS, painful periods, or emotional upsets before you ‘start’, if you dread that ‘time of the month’, have heavy periods or irregular periods, or just want to learn how to honor your period in the highest way possible, come learn the Ayurvedic way to a healthy cycle.
Ayurveda is India’s traditional system of healing. Similar to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda uses herbal formulations, body treatments and adjustments to diet and lifestyle, to establish good health.
How to Create Good Digestive Health for Easier Periods
According to Ayurveda, the digestive system is closely linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle. In this workshop, you’ll learn why they’re linked, the guidelines you need to create good digestion, and how to avoid two of the biggest contributors to digestive issues according to Ayurveda – ama (undigested foods) and viruddha ahara (incompatible foods).
Menstrual Cycle Guidelines, Best Practices, Foods & Activities
We are a culture devoid of proper guidelines for menstrual health. In this workshop, you’ll learn what to do and what not to do during your period. We’ll review the foods to eat and foods to avoid, when to exercise and when to go easy, how the Ayurvedic doshas fluctuate throughout the month, and good sexual health practices to maintain.
Herbs, Remedies & The Entire Ayurvedic Yoni Steaming Sequence
Ayurveda’s health wisdom is both preventative and therapeutic. In this workshop, we’ll explore widely available herbs and remedies for menstrual health. We’ll also share the entire Ayurvedic yoni steaming sequence from therapeutic smoking (dhuman), to therapeutic washing (dhavan), to therapeutic lubrication (pichu) and how to use this process monthly for health maintenance.
Your Ayurvedic Practitioner Jennifer Maklan
Jennifer Maklan is the founder of Chattanooga Ayurveda and She’s a classically trained Ayurvedic Practitioner with industry knowledge and experience.
Jennifer received a Svastha Ācārya Certificate from ĀYU Academy, a leading Āyurveda education program specializing in classical Āyurveda. She is trained in Āyurvedic shirodhara therapy and has seen over 100 clients. Her undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the University of New Hampshire, 1999, lends perception, creativity and vision to her practice.
She is currently advancing her studies in the Arogya Ayurvedic Physicians Program and looks forward to offering the full-scope of Āyurvedic therapies and services to Chattanoogans. Her clients suffer with digestive disorders, skin conditions, pain, mental health conditions, endometriosis, fibromyalgia and more.
“Jennifer’s knowledge of Ayurveda provides a significant measure of support to a health management plan. She’s thoughtful, encouraging, and her advice has real potential for impacting health outcomes.”
– Remy Coeytaux, M.D., Ph.D.
These workshops will surely be fun, informative and eye-opening for all who are curious about holistic health and their menstrual cycle. The format will provide a global view of Ayurveda with an emphasis on prevention and an introduction to therapeutics. If you are new to Ayurveda, don’t fret. You will easily be able to follow along. We’ll review basic concepts of Ayurveda to enhance and build your foundational understanding.
Email your questions to Jennifer at
What is Āyurveda?
Āyurveda is India's traditional system of health and healing. It is a holistic approach that uses temporary adjustments to your food choices, lifestyle recommendations, therapeutic massage, and body treatments, to restore health. Āyurveda offers a wealth of sound knowledge to maintain health throughout every season and every stage of life.
I've tried changing my diet and lifestyle and it didn't work. How is Āyurveda different?
Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. It utilizes the qualities of foods, drinks, and activities to establish balance. Āyurvedic herbo-mineral formulations are selected for you based on your state of health. Formulations along with appropriate changes to your food choices and lifestyle ensure that you get back to your natural state of balance.
How is Āyurveda practiced online? Isn't pulse assessment needed?
Āyurveda is quite conducive to online practice. In classical Āyurvedic assessment, questioning and visual clues provide a wealth of information. Pulse assessment is actually a somewhat modern addition to classical assessment methods. It is not a necessary component for a quality assessment.
How is Āyurveda different than other holistic healing methods?
Āyurveda is time-tested. It's speculated to be thousands of years old and probably the oldest health system known to man. The classical practice of Āyurveda holds to the time-tested methods that existed thousands of years ago.
Unlike other modern approaches to holistic medicine, Āyurveda utilizes a detailed framework for the measurement, assessment and management of health. It is an extensive practice that is studied rigorously and is effective when applied with precision.
Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. Your day, diet, health history and so much more are taken into consideration to create your Care Plan.