'Ayurveda 101: Create a Personalized Ayurvedic Health Plan' Mini-Course [Online]

In this one-hour video course, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Ayurveda for health, personalize your self care, and create an Ayurvedic daily routine that’s designed specifically for you. 


Get the Course

Ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India, has the most comprehensive preventative health knowledge in the world. In this introductory class, you’ll learn the very basics of Ayurveda and your Ayurvedic body type. With direct guidance from Jennifer Maklan, Ayurvedic Practitioner, you’ll then devise a seasonal plan for your health. Come ready to take notes; this mini-course will be jam-packed with information you can use immediately.


Here’s What You’ll Learn

How to Cleanse Toxins (Ama)

Undigested food waste or ama is a unique concept in Āyurveda. Learn how to avoid it and cleanse.

Which Ayurvedic Body Type You Are

Learn the body types, their strengths and challenges, and your own unique type.


Lifestyle Guidelines for Body Types

See how Ayurveda personalizes health for each body type. Learn basic ways to establish balance.

What to Avoid When Exercising

Learn the Āyurvedic rules for proper exercise and strength-building.

Ways to Maintain a Healthy Moon Cycle

Discover the menstrual cycle in Āyurveda and the unique diet and lifestyle tips for each phase.

Yoga's Impact on Women's Health

Yogasanas can augment or depreciate reproductive health. Discover what’s important.

Which Daily Routine Steps to Master

Learn how to make sense of the Ayurvedic daily routine and what to avoid when there’s toxins.

Why a Nighttime Routine is Critical

Get clarity on the Āyurvedic nighttime routine for great sleep and improved energy.

Mini-Course Details

One-Hour ‘Ayurveda 101’ Video Course
Free 18-Page Download: ‘My Personalized Ayurvedic Health Plan’
Free One-Page Download: ‘Ayurvedic Food Combining Guidelines’
Free One-Page Download: ‘Body Types (Prakrti) Chart’

About Chattanooga Ayurveda

Chattanooga Ayurveda, LLC, provides classical Ayurveda to the Southeastern U.S. and beyond. With in-person and online consultations, classes and events, Chattanooga Ayurveda aims to educate, refine and improve the health, wellbeing and knowledge of all who participate.

Chattanooga Ayurveda, LLC was founded by Jennifer Maklan, Ayurvedic Practitioner. An avid hatha yogi and meditator, Jennifer was introduced to Ayurveda many moons ago, after graduating college in 1999. She was instantly hooked and began on a path to find, understand and utilize authentic Ayurveda. 

Jennifer developed a directory website for Ayurvedic practitioners in the U.S. in 2012, and in 2017 sold that website to an Ayurveda products company where she became Senior Manager of U.S. Operations. She studied classical Ayurveda at AYU Academy and completed the Svastha Acarya (Teacher of Health) program. She then successfully completed the Samudra Ayurvedic Physicians Program where she studied the Ayurvedic disease paradigms and panchakarma. Jennifer has seen over 200 clients. She maintains a daily yoga and meditation practice since 2006.

“Ayurveda as it’s practiced in India is slowly making its way into the U.S. I hope to help others understand just how profound Ayurveda really is, so they don’t have to fumble their way around it like I did,” – Jennifer Maklan, Ayurvedic Practitioner

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What is Āyurveda?

Āyurveda is India's traditional system of health and healing. It is a holistic approach that uses temporary adjustments to your food choices, lifestyle recommendations, therapeutic massage, and body treatments, to restore health. Āyurveda offers a wealth of sound knowledge to maintain health throughout every season and every stage of life.

I've tried changing my diet and lifestyle and it didn't work. How is Āyurveda different?

Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. It utilizes the qualities of foods, drinks, and activities to establish balance. Āyurvedic herbo-mineral formulations are selected for you based on your state of health. Formulations along with appropriate changes to your food choices and lifestyle ensure that you get back to your natural state of balance. 

How is Āyurveda practiced online? Isn't pulse assessment needed?

Āyurveda is quite conducive to online practice. In classical Āyurvedic assessment, questioning and visual clues provide a wealth of information. Pulse assessment is actually a somewhat modern addition to classical assessment methods. It is not a necessary component for a quality assessment. 

How is Āyurveda different than other holistic healing methods?

Āyurveda is time-tested. It's speculated to be thousands of years old and probably the oldest health system known to man. The classical practice of Āyurveda holds to the time-tested methods that existed thousands of years ago.

Unlike other modern approaches to holistic medicine, Āyurveda utilizes a detailed framework for the measurement, assessment and management of health. It is an extensive practice that is studied rigorously and is effective when applied with precision.

Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. Your day, diet, health history and so much more are taken into consideration to create your Care Plan.