Learn more about Āyurveda
Check out these videos and interviews.Amanda Dillard is a mom, health coach and the woman behind ThatElderberryLady.com. She has been supporting her family with natural medicine for many years with some truly amazing results. Amanda and I have similar views on health. We both know it’s not a destination to reach (it’s a daily commitment) and we both appreciate the power of nature as a healing force. In this conversation, we discussed elderberry and its benefits, how health coaching and Ayurveda overlap, and the simple health tips we like to share and live by, as well as our favorite herbs and spices.
Amanda Stanley of Jupiter’s Labyrinth has a wealth of knowledge in Western herbalism, Reiki, and herbal medicine making. Together, we discuss the Āyurvedic Body Types, the doshas, how to manipulate the doshas and create a state of homeostasis or ‘health’, and a number of ways you can make your own herbal medicines at home. Amanda is not only a long-time friend and colleague butalso a busy new mom. She additionally shares some great info on Essential Oils which you should check out.
Vaidya Renuka Kulkarni of Kerala, India has 35 years experience in Āyurvedic fertility treatment. In this video, we discuss Āyurveda in India, misconceptions about Traditional Āyurvedic Medicine, how the practice of Āyurveda in India differs from the practice of Āyurveda in the U.S., the underlying causes of infertility and how to maintain good reproductive health. We also discuss a unique treatment for infertility called uttarabasti, available in India.
What is Āyurveda?
Āyurveda is India's traditional system of health and healing. It is a holistic approach that uses temporary adjustments to your food choices, lifestyle recommendations, therapeutic massage, and body treatments, to restore health. Āyurveda offers a wealth of sound knowledge to maintain health throughout every season and every stage of life.
I've tried changing my diet and lifestyle and it didn't work. How is Āyurveda different?
Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. It utilizes the qualities of foods, drinks, and activities to establish balance. Āyurvedic herbo-mineral formulations are selected for you based on your state of health. Formulations along with appropriate changes to your food choices and lifestyle ensure that you get back to your natural state of balance.
How is Āyurveda practiced online? Isn't pulse assessment needed?
Āyurveda is quite conducive to online practice. In classical Āyurvedic assessment, questioning and visual clues provide a wealth of information. Pulse assessment is actually a somewhat modern addition to classical assessment methods. It is not a necessary component for a quality assessment.
How is Āyurveda different than other holistic healing methods?
Āyurveda is time-tested. It's speculated to be thousands of years old and probably the oldest health system known to man. The classical practice of Āyurveda holds to the time-tested methods that existed thousands of years ago.
Unlike other modern approaches to holistic medicine, Āyurveda utilizes a detailed framework for the measurement, assessment and management of health. It is an extensive practice that is studied rigorously and is effective when applied with precision.
Āyurveda is personalized to each individual. Your day, diet, health history and so much more are taken into consideration to create your Care Plan.